Sunday, October 31, 2010

POLL: Iowa Judges likely to face no retention vote!

I new poll out of Iowa shows three of the judges that sit on the Iowa supreme court face a vote of no retention this November second. In 2009 the citizens of Iowa were granted marriage equality by an unanimous vote. To me a unanimous vote is a clear indication that this was the right thing to do!

The National Organization for  Marriage has been on yet another bus tour blasting these judges in hopes of a vote of no retention.

The latest poll shows out by the Des Moines Register shows the public leaning towards a vote of no retention.  thirty seven percent of likely votes say the will retain no judge on the ballot, thirty four say they will vote to keep all, and ten percent will vote to retain some.

If a vote of no retention across the board is made on November third this could have a chilling effect on our judiciary, It would be a very sad day in America.  How can such a clear vote on the equality of man be seen as a reason to oust judges that sit on the right side of history.

If you or someone you know lives in Iowa PLEASE vote to retain these justices, send a clear message to NOM and the rest of the country's judiciary.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

HRC Fighting Back Against McCance

Can you believe this guy? He is in a position of power and control over the children in this school district. Clint McCance decided to post some pretty hateful stuff on his face book and let me tell ya the Human Rights Campaign is fighting back. Before I tell you how you can get involved let me just tell you what was said by this insecure bigot.

Clint McCance:"Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers committed suicide. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin. REALLY PEOPLE."

Forgive the spelling, and grammatical errors they are not mine, they are Clint's. He then went on to say:

"No because being a fag doesnt give you the right to ruin the rest of our lives. If you get easily offended by being called a fag then dont tell anyone you are a fag. Keep that shit to yourself. I dont care how people decide to live their lives. They dont bother me if they keep it to thereselves. It pisses me off though that we make a special purple fag day for them. I like that fags cant procreate. I also enjoy the fact that they often give each other aids and die. If you arent against it, you might as well be for it."

I feel really bad for this guys kids, and the school district that elected this whack job! So what can you do? Check out the Fire Clint McCance Face book page and don't forget to click like!

HRC is putting out an ad in the districts local paper check it out HERE

I hope this guy feels the pressure to resign intolerance and hate has no place in a public school district. Our community has faced way to many losses of life to have to hear this kind of unbelievable rhetoric!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

NOM- IRS complaint

The Human Rights Campaign and the courage campaign has filed a formal complaint against the National Organization for Marriage and its sister organization the Ruth Institute.

The Ruth Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization is not allowed to participate directly in the election process. Most recently joining the NOM bus tour endorsing Carly Fiorina and obvious violation of federal law.

HRC and the courage campaign continues to do wonderful work for our community we thank them for all the work they do! I hope you can find the time to call the IRS and tell them You want them to investigate TODAY!

they can be reached at 1-800-829-1040

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wear Purple 10/20/2010

To Show your support please wear purple this Wednesday you never know who you might impact.

This Wednesday October 20, 2010 has been designated as a day to remember those youth that have taken their lives due to anti-lgbt bullying. In recent news we have seen many tragedies related to anti-lgbt bullying. I was thinking how hard it was before I came out. I felt alone and isolated, I can't recall a queer figure that was in my life, even on tv. It wasnt until after I found support in my family that I felt OK. I was lucky I guess...

If you or someone you know needs help dealing with lgbt issues call The Trevor Project @  866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386).  It is free and confidential.

Also you should take the time to call your Representative and tell them to support H.R.2262: The Safe Schools Improvement Act today! It is currently in house committee.

You can contact your house member at: (202) 224-3121

Saturday, October 16, 2010

BSA to gay dad- Sell our popcorn but don't lead the troop!!

Dallis Texas-

BSA to gay dad- Sell our popcorn you queer, but don't lead the troop!!

One has to ask in this day in age why a Boy Scout Troop would be fearful of a fathers leadership. That is exactly what Jon Langbert  is asking. He was told recently he is not going to be allowed to be a troop leader for his son's University Park Elementary troop. There reasoning is he is gay!

You really need to ask how a school district can allow a discriminatory group to operate within its district.

Please take this time to call the school district and tell them you don't think it is right! we might not be able to force the BSA to ditch its discrimination, but we can keep them from using space provided with tax paying dollars!

They can be reached at:

University Park Elementary
3505 Amherst Ave
Dallas, TX 75225
(214) 780-3400 

If the Boy Scouts operate in your school district call your school board members!  

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good Bye 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Well Almost

SAN DIEGO- Today a federal judge issued an injunction ending the enforcement of the military's discriminatory don't ask don't tell policy. Hold the boat all you gay army boys, don't go digging out the feather boas and cocktail dresses quite yet, there is still a chance for the department of justice to appeal the ruling. Its nice to know we have a fair minded unbiased judiciary.  I am sure we will have the usual blasts coming from bloggers like Porno Pete, calling this judge an activist. Just remember, by activist judge what they really mean is someone they don't agree with.

This is good news though, Today was a step in the right direction on the long road to equality. I will keep you informed of any new developments.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Coming Out Day!


Today was National Coming Out Day!

I am pleased to say to I am proud to live in a society that embraces its citizens no matter what their sexual orientation is.

I hope many people young and old were able to free themselves from the wight of living life in the closet. With the many negative influences present in our society it is nice to have supports set up for our queer community.

If you or someone you know needs help dealing with the hurdles society has placed in our way please take advantage of the many groups that are to you. You are not alone! Here is a link to the trevor project.

For a list of some GLBT organizations Click HERE



Carl Paladino- Dangerous to Gay Children

                                       Carl Paladino- Dangerous to Gay Children

Carl Paladino is a candidate for Governor in New York. God help us if this man goes any further with his political career. Honestly I think society would be better served if he was a baggier at the local grocer.

He was recently quoted as saying “I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t.”

Honestly do we live in the year 2010?! The argument that gay people pose a threat to children has been long disproven.  I just honestly don't get it, I hope one of  Mr. Paladino's children end up being gay. I wonder if he could then be brainwashed into thinking homosexuality is ok. It is this kind of rhedoric that causes harm to children, not homosexuals or the thought of homosexuality being ok.

Mr. Paladino use your megaphone to emphasis your "live and let live" ideal that you say you believe in. You my friend are a danger to your children and my children!

Where in the world did "Hater Heath" go?

As the battle in Maine over same sex marriage was raging,  Mike Heath was no where to be found. For those of you who are not familiar with Mr. Heath, he is the (anti-gay bigot) former leader of the Maine Family Policy Council (Christian Civic league of Maine). After his embarrassing loss during the referendum over the inclusion of sexual orientation and transgendered individuals into the Maine human rights act many things changed for Mike.

He became more hateful and bitter, who would have thought that could be possible. After failing to collect adequate signatures for his referendum for hate in Maine he began to keep a low profile. His referendum would have written the elimination of established anti-discrimination rights for gay/trans people, limit adoption, and eliminate domestic partnership benefits for the queer community (among other things). The people in Maine would not have it!

Shortly after his dismal failure, the Christian Civic League changed their name to the Maine Family Policy Council. The name change didn't help them much.

Poor Mikey Boy found every right wing hate group in the state of Maine Distancing themselves from him. I felt so bad for the poor little bigot... NOT. The only influential people to stay close to Mike were people like porno Pete. He was not welcomed into the debate like he was so used to. So he resigned and you really hear nothing much coming from this group at all now.

So in February of 2010 Mike announced he was joining the American Family Association. He planed a boycott of a few businesses that sponsored a few floats at the local pride parade and started a web site. Now you cant find his site... no one heard about his big boycott, and yet again "Hater Heath" failed. Did Mikey loss his flame?

So I ask this Where did the hater go? I don't know but I am sure glad he is gone!